Where can i get informatica certification Exam dumps and
details? please forward it to emailid: krisboppana@yahoo.com

Answer Posted / chintan

if possible send it to me too. somaiya.chintan@gmail.com..
thanks in advance..

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Just Completed the informatica Certification ,for Dumps please email me on infamaddy@gmail.com i will send it to you 


can u anyone plz share some etl testing interview question . and share the sql queries and unix . plz help me to clear in the etl testing interview by sharing ur knowledge


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Hi my name is kuldeep singh, i have finished my B.E in computer science and engg in 2008. I have worked with accenture for 17 months and because of family problem i left the job in dec 2009.. i was in data ware housing capability. right now i am working in a BPO as technicla support executive,, i want to move to IT again, please suggest me what shuld i do? its been 1 year gap and i am not able to get into IT...please suggest me ...should i go for informatica certification will that help me to get inot IT. please give ur suggestion..my E mail is is singh.kuldeep2004@yahoo.in


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