i want some sample question paper for indian bank
exam.please send us early as possible

Answer Posted / vidhya

even im in need of sample question paper'

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

what is the role of sbi in development of rural indian and farmers?


What is the biodataform that we have to fill for the sbi interview, is it the same resume? if not same as resume plz tell me where do i get this.


yaarr..if anyone hv sum clue abt d date of SBI CLERICAL INTERVIEW declaration


please help me if any body face interview today?i have no idea what to do..............please


Hai!This is Mallikarjun. I have completed MCA.I have shortlisted for SBI clerical interview.I don't have any idea about what questions they may ask in interview.Plz any can help me to how to prepare for interview and what are the questions they can ask. Plz mail at mallikarjun.police@gmail.com


In original biodata form identity certificate is there.we have to sign it by gazetted officer on original biodata form?


what are the business that will be undertaken by the banks that all ?


Can anyone say me how to prepare for IOB clerical personal interview.. I hv cleared written test nd called for the next roundd.. can u help me by sayin what all i need to concentrate & prepare?


what is the pattern for lic ado exam?


I am working with a co-operative bank as a Trainee Officer and I am on probation. I am selected for SBI interview. Will I need to submit NOC. If I ask for NOC it can be a negative effect towards my existing employer. If I am not selected in SBI there are chances I cann loose my job here also


when will be union bank result annouced?which exam held on 4 april 2010.sir please send it on my id no. that is rinku_del246@rediffmail.com.


Has anybody who has been selected as SBI CLERICAL in the April interview against 11000 posts recieved appointment letter or any other letter from the bank? plz let us know.


How many of you SBI Clerk 2009 aspirants are from Uttrakhand. Share your views/exp. here? ATUL KASHIPUR (UTTRAKHAND)


what profits does sbi get on hiring you?


Hi i would like to know what are reasons for medically unfit for sbi clerk. iam OH like Paraplegea so I finished my interview But now tension about medical test ple.. anybody clarify my query my id bthimothi@gmail.com