what is for call centre
what is voice and non voice and what is the eligiblity for
this job

Answer Posted / what is for call centre what i

Re: what is for call centre what is voice and non voice
and what is the eligiblity for this job
# 3 call centre is a medium where customer problem is
we can say it is a center of information of a particular
subject. Here cutomer asked some questions to a particular
object and problem is solved to some extent and give
satisfaction to the customer.
Here voice means sound, means problem is solved by using
telephone , mobile etc. it means problem is solved without
directly contact, only with voice.
non-voice means transfer information by using e-
mails,corrier,sms etc.

Is This Answer Correct ? 5 Yes 2 No
0 Neha

Re: what is for call centre what is voice and non voice
and what is the eligiblity for this job
# 4 Call Centre is a Service providing centre for the
particular product the customer has purchased.IT could be a
computer,internet connection, computer hardware or
software, a bank loan, mortgage, credit card, airline,
hotelo or car reservation, a cosmetic product, any retail
IT can be classified on basis of various paranmeters such
as medium of service i.e voice, non voice. In voice based
Bpo's queries are answered through phone. The service could
be inbound or outbound.

Is This Answer Correct ? 4 Yes 1 No
0 Nikhil

Re: what is for call centre what is voice and non voice
and what is the eligiblity for this job
# 5 call center is a medium of intraction between customer
the company.Here voice means sound,means that problem of
customer is solved through phone also company provide
information about their new product,policies and any
changes which company has made. this service is also called
as inbound or outbound process.
Here non voice means that all the customer queries are
solved through e-mail. this service also called as web

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