hi frends..is there anyone who got selected for canara bank
probationary clerk exam from bangalore?? if anybody is there
plz reply..

Answer Posted / p.rathi priya

Hi guys........I think it may be on this wednesday that is
12-8-09 because the written test for p.o was on 15-3-09 an
for clerks it was 29-3-09. and the final results for p.o
was 29-7-09 wednesday an with the same 14 days gap our
result s expected on 12-08-09 that too
wednesday.........and plz do any one call to banglore head
office. Else post the number.............

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

hii.. m selected in State bank of Patiala..want to know the duration of training n whr does it takes place??n hw r v given the station for joining... wht is appx salary..so many qs goin around in my head..Help!!


Hi dis is sriguru n i had cleared obc clerical 2010 .wt should i wan 2 prepare for interview? wt r the definations of repo,reverse repo, crr,slr,monetary policy n other banking terms


Recently i had an interview in SBI on 3rd of MAY. The interview question was as: 1) Tell me 7 wonders ? 2) Who is CM of Karnataka ? 3) How many district in Karnataka ? 4) since my native place is Ramgarh so interviewer asked me that any famous movie based upon this location ? 5) since i am from technical background so they asked me about RAM , Processor , Bluetooth ? 6) They asked some question from current affairs like what is UID and what is census ? 7) What do u know about SBI ? I answred all the question except how many district in Karnataka. Thats it guys. The interview was full of fun. When i answered that movie sholey is based uopn place Ramgarh the moment on that time was funny. All interviwer laughed and i too. There were three interviewer in the room. In front of me the male interviewer had an age of 40-50. In my left side male interviewer had an age of 40-50. In my left side female interviewer had an age of 30-40. Any more question about the fun interview mail me at: ayadav00009@gmail.com


Hi friends my name is Buna, got selected in SBI clerk exam 09. I am a B.E.computer sci 2008 grad.I dont have any work exp till now. What if they ask me. What shud i answr. Kindly give ur feedback and also let me know clerical interview qques on my mail id "bhuna.kumar@yahoo.co.in". respond sooner thanks a ton


Hi all, While I'm applying for the written exam wrongly I gave as general and later I came to know bef the interview tht I'm BC:(..I got proper singatures at the back of the call letter..but while interviewing me they dint consder tht.Will it be a negative for me during the selection and under which category i'll be considered Can any one guide me regarding this.


hi ........ i have been selected for syndicate bank interview on 8th oct ,this is my first interview... so can any one suggest me few tips plz........


explain you would be an asset for this organisation?


Anybody who wud hv applied for Vijaya Bank Probationary clerical exam, did receive the Hall ticket?? The written exam is on 7th Feb right????


how many associates bank of sbi and subsidiaries bank of sbi? what are those ?this is important for interview......they ask me this question


you have done BE in computer science branch.So why you want to join the bank clerk? plz give me the positive ans regarding the above statement? and send the logic behind it? please send the ans to mail id "akashpatel03@hotnmail.com"




The aspirants for SBI CLERK (exam held on 2009 November) Share your views here? ATUL KASHIPUR (UTTRAKHAND)


Hai friends, I am an exserviceman. What are certificates are required to carry to Interview Board on the day of SBI clerical Interview? Please let me know anybody.


i am in waitlisted list which is released by karnataka bank.Can any one tell what it sense.whether it is confirm job r optional.plz forward if any one know abt this


iam sslc and dme,can i apply for canara bank and BOB bank exam for current call for.