Due to shutdown failure, one application is not running then
what type of testing do u perform?
Load testing or stress testing or recovery testing ?

Answer Posted / sidhartha

Recovery Testing

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Questions for role of a QC engineer at NDS,Bangalore 1st round is written 20 questions on aptitude and 10 question on testing Aptitude--problems on time and distance,tap problem,ages,time and work,probability, Testing 1.Difference Between QA & QC 2.Any 4 types of SDLC models with diagram. Also Pros and cons of each model 3.What is application Testing And embedded testing 4.Qualities of a good tester 5.Test cases for registering user. One field for user name,2 fields for password,"ok" and "cancel" button 6.What is a bug,explain Bug life cycle 7.Difference between priority and severity? 8.Some question on software design


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