1.Is it possible down payment and Partial Payment thro app?
2.Is it possible to made post dated cheques through APP?
3.one asset is using by 2 company codes 1 is in India and
another one is in usa but the client want to maintain 2
diff screen layouts in India and as well as in us is it
possible how?
4.is it possible to maintain 2 currencies for same company
code maintain by India and usa?

Answer Posted / srinivas

In APP Down payment is possible.Partial Payment not

2) No

3) Possible. Table: GLOFAACNTRL IMG> Activate Country-
Specific Data.

4) How a same co.code maintained by india and usa? That
goes against the definition of Co.Code.(Def:The smallest
organizational unit of Financial Accounting for which a
complete self-contained set of accounts can be drawn up for
purposes of external reporting)

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