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* Profession * sqa eng
User No # 9135
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i have a dout in sevirorty and priority and answer me this question There are 5 bugs A,B,C,D,E In this first two bugs A,B are minor bugs C,D,E are major bugs .From A,B bugs u got those major bug C,D,E then how u will give sevirorty and priority

2 QA Concepts 5048

how to install visual studio 2005 for web development plz tell me the steps of it and data base too

1 Microsoft Related AllOther 3157

at any application or software where the data will be stored at server side or at client side kindly answer it in detail?

1 QA Concepts 3234

what is the difference between product and process based projects?

QA Concepts 3448

kindly guide me about inspection process with the requried roles in detail?

QA Concepts 1491

Hi I m working as a sqa engineer and after 1 yr i want to switch to system analyst side kindly tell me how both fields relate each other and is this easy to switch job from qa to system analyst and what's the difference b/w both fields.

QA Concepts 1571

Do anybody have any idea about the testing tools related to client-server apllications( for banking application or products ).Kindly tell me both open source and licensed tools. Thanks in advanceRegards

QA Concepts 1560

hi, I am a begineer to c sharp. I have written a code for finding out prime numbers. Can anyone identify what are the flaws in my code. Kindly donot complex the code or present logic because i am new to c sharp and just started learning programming language.Thanks in advance. class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { int a,b=1; a = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); c= int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (a % b == 0 && a % 2 != 0 && a % a == 0) Console.WriteLine(a); else if (a % b == 0 && a % 2 == 0) Console.WriteLine(a%2); Console.WriteLine("Number is not PRIME"); Console.ReadLine(); } } }

2 C Sharp 3348

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