Un-Answered Questions { C++ Code }

A suduco given & u hv 2 check if it is incomplete(blanks left),or correct or incorrect


what mean void creat_object?in public class in this code class A{ public: int x; A(){ cout << endl<< "Constructor A";} ~A(){ cout << endl<< "Destructor A, x is\t"<< x;} }; void create_object(); void main() { A a; a.x=10; { A c; c.x=20; } create_object(); } void create_object() { A b; b.x=30; }


write a program using virtual function to find the transposing of a square matrix?


write a program to perform generic sort in arrays?


write a program that can LOCATE and INSERT elements in array using c++ programming languages.


can you please write a program for deadlock that can detect deadlock and to prevent deadlock.


find level of following tree (state, parent) " J,D I,D H,C E,B F,B G,C B,A D,A C,A A,& K,E L,E L,F M,F N,G O,H P,I P,H Q,I R,J S,K U,P T,L


How can I Draw an ellipse in 3d space and color it by using graph3d?


3. Program to find the Sum of give series. a. (1)+(1+2)+(1+2+3)+(1+2+3+4)+……………………………….. b. 1/1+1/9+1/25+1/49+……………...


how to diplay a external image of output on winxp by using c & c++,


Write a program that print in screen a tree with its height taken from user by entering number of 4 digits and find the odd numbers then calculate the sum of odd numbers so he get the height of tree?


Create a program to read two random data set in two files named data1.txt and data2.txt manifold contains integer numbers, whereas data2.txt file contains the float type numbers. Simpanlahmasing each into 2 pieces of data that is an array of type integer array and an array of type float, then calculate the average numbers in the second array.


How to swap two ASCII numbers?


Write a C/C++ program that connects to a MySQL server and checks if the InnoDB plug-in is installed on it. If so, your program should print the total number of disk writes by MySQL.

