Un-Answered Questions { General Aptitude }

The ratio of the length : breadth : height of a cuboid is 5 : 4: 3, and the volume is 7500. What will be its surface area ?


There is a room with 6' x 8'. A 1' tile is fixed along the 4 walls in one row. How many 1" tiles require to finish the work.


Two persons start at the same point, walk in opposite directions with 5km/hr and 5.5km/hr respectively. What is the distance separated after 2 and half hrs?


What is the angle of degree suspended when two hands of clock showing the time 2.30.


Which is the biggest perfect square amongst the following 15129, 12348, 23716, 20736


X < 0, Y <> 0 then what is the possibility that the result is always positive?


One clock rings 7 O'clock in 7 sec.In how many seconds it will ring 10 O'clock.


Two trains are travelling at equilateral .Train A is travelling in the direction of earths spin.Other train B is travelling in opposite direction of earths spin.Which trains wheels will wear first?and why?


1992 Feb have 5 Sundays. In which year, the month Feb have 5 Sundays next?


How many 3-digit numbers will be there which are divisible by 19?


How many 3-digit numbers with atleast one 5 in their digits?


In a party there are women and cats.There are 18 heads and 72 legs altogether. How many women and cats?


The distance b/w 2 places is 1000 miles and a man has a camel which eats an apple/mile. He has 3000 apples and want to transport from one to another. Camel can take 1000 apples at a time. when reaching the destination how many apples will be with him?


There is 12 perls. One of them is either light or heavy than others. There is a weighing pan. How many trials are needed to find the exceptional one.


There is a work which can be completed by A with 12 days and B by 18 days. A and B works together for 3 days and B left. After that how many days for A to complete the work?