Un-Answered Questions { 86 Family }

Given a circuit, draw its exact timing response?


The answer to the above question is breaking the combinational circuit and pipelining it. What will be affected if you do this?


rtos kernal have memory managament,sheduler and timer but not haveing file system how vxworks allocate file table process in memory? bud gpos have inside kernal


I have code and test bench however it is not working porperly. Need help to get it working. module fsm(clock,reset,coin,vend,state,change); \\these are the inputs and the outputs. input clock; input reset; input [2:0]coin; output vend; output [2:0]state; output [2:0]change; \\i need to define the registers as change,coin and vend reg vend; reg [2:0]change; wire [2:0]coin; \\my coins are declared as parameters to make reading better. parameter [2:0]NICKEL=3’b001; parameter [2:0]DIME=3’b010; parameter [2:0]NICKEL_DIME=3’b011; parameter [2:0]DIME_DIME=3’b100; parameter [2:0]QUARTER=3’b101; \\MY STATES ARE ALSO PARAMETERS . I DONT WANT TO MAKE YOU READ \\IN MACHINE LANGUAGE parameter [2:0]IDLE=3’b000; parameter [2:0]FIVE=3’b001; parameter [2:0]TEN=3’b010; parameter [2:0]FIFTEEN=3’b011; parameter [2:0]TWENTY=3’b100; parameter [2:0]TWENTYFIVE=3’b101; \\AS ALWAYS THE STATES ARE DEFINED AS REG reg [2:0]state,next_state; \\MY MACHINE WORKS ON STATE AND COIN always @(state or coin) begin next_state=0; \\VERYFIRST NEXT STATE IS GIVEN ZERO case(state) IDLE: case(coin) \\THIS IS THE IDLE STATE NICKEL: next_state=FIVE; DIME: next_state=TEN; QUARTER: next_state=TWENTYFIVE; default: next_state=IDLE; endcase FIVE: case(coin) \\THIS IS THE SECOND STATE NICKEL: next_state=TEN; DIME: next_state=FIFTEEN; QUARTER: next_state=TWENTYFIVE; //change=NICKEL default: next_state=FIVE; endcase TEN: case(coin) \\THIS IS THE THIRD STATE NICKEL: next_state=FIFTEEN; DIME: next_state=TWENTY; QUARTER: next_state=TWENTYFIVE; //change=DIME default: next_state=TEN; endcase FIFTEEN: case(coin) \\THIS IS THE FOURTH STATE NICKEL: next_state=TWENTY; DIME: next_state=TWENTYFIVE; QUARTER: next_state=TWENTYFIVE; //change==NICKEL_DIME default: next_state=FIFTEEN; endcase TWENTY: case(coin) \\THIS IS THE FIFTH STATE NICKEL: next_state=TWENTYFIVE; DIME: next_state=TWENTYFIVE; //change=NICKEL QUARTER: next_state=TWENTYFIVE; //change==DIME_DIME default: next_state=TWENTY; endcase TWENTYFIVE: next_state=IDLE; \\THE NEXT STATE HERE IS THE RESET default : next_state=IDLE; endcase end always @(clock) begin \\WHENEVER I GIVE A RESET I HAVE TO MAKE THE STATE TO IDLE AND VEND TO 1 if(reset) begin state <= IDLE; vend <= 1’b0; // change <= 3’b000; end \\THE CHANGE ALSO HAS TO BECOME NONE else state <= next_state; case (state) \\HERE WE DECIDE THE NEXT STATE \\ALL THE STATES ARE DEFINED HERE AND THE OUTPUT IS ALSO GIVEN IDLE: begin vend <= 1’b0; change <=3’d0; end FIVE: begin vend <= 1’b0; if (coin==QUARTER) change <=NICKEL; else change <=3’d0; TEN: begin vend <= 1’b0; if (coin==QUARTER) change <=DIME; else change <= 3’d0; FIFTEEN : begin vend <= 1’b0; if (coin==QUARTER) change <=NICKEL_DIME; else change TWENTY : begin vend <= 1’b0; if (coin==DIME) change <=NICKEL; else if (coin==QUARTER) TWENTYFIVE : begin vend <= 1’b1; change <=3’d0; end default: state <= IDLE; endcase end endmodule module test; \\THE INPUT IN THE FSM MODULE ARE REG HERE reg clock,reset; reg [2:0]coin; \\THE OUTPUT IN THE FSM MODULE ARE WIRES HERE wire vend; wire [2:0]state; wire [2:0]change; \\THE PARAMETERS AGAIN FOR THE COIN AND STATE parameter [2:0]IDLE=3’b000; parameter [2:0]FIVE=3’b001; parameter [2:0]TEN=3’b010; parameter [2:0]FIFTEEN=3’b011; parameter [2:0]TWENTY=3’b100; parameter [2:0]TWENTYFIVE=3’b101; parameter [2:0]NICKEL=3’b001; parameter [2:0]DIME=3’b010; parameter [2:0]NICKEL_DIME=3’b011; parameter [2:0]DIME_DIME=3’b100; parameter [2:0]QUARTER=3’b101; \\I MONITOR THE TIME,DRINK,RESET,CLOCK,STATE AND CHANGE FOR CHANGES. initial begin $display("Time\tcoin\tdrink\treset\tclock\tstate\tchange"); $monitor("%g\t%b\t%b\t%b\t%b\t%d\t% d",$time,coin,vend,reset,clock,state,change); \\NEW FEATURE: MY MACHINE HAS THE FACILITY TO DUMP VARIABLES SO THAT \\ I CAN VIEW THEM USING A VCD VIEWER. $dumpvars; $dumpfile("file.vcd"); // Dump output file. \\THIS IS WHERE THE COINS ARE ADDED. clock=0; reset=1; \\FIRST LETS RESET THE MACHINE #2 reset=0; coin=NICKEL; \\CHECK FOR STATE 1 #2 reset=1; coin=2’b00; #2 reset=0; coin=DIME; \\RESET AGAIN AND CHECK FOR STATE 2 #2 reset=1; coin=2’b00; #2 reset=0; \\RESET AGAIN AND CHECK FOR STATE 5 coin=QUARTER; #2 reset=1; coin=2’b00; #2 reset=0; \\RESET AGAIN AND CHECK FOR STATE 5 coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=NICKEL; #2 reset=1; coin=2’b00; #2 reset=0; \\RESET AGAIN AND CHECK FOR STATE 5 AND SO ON coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=DIME; #2 coin=DIME; #2 reset=1; coin=2’b00; #2 reset=0; coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=DIME; #2 coin=QUARTER; #2 reset=1; coin=2’b00; #2 reset=0; coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=DIME; #2 reset=1; coin=2’b00; #2 reset=0; coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=DIME; #2 reset=1; coin=2’b00; #2 reset=0; coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=QUARTER; #2 reset=1; coin=2’b00; #2 reset=0; coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=QUARTER; #2 reset=1; coin=2’b00; #2 $finish; end \\THE CLOCK NEEDS TO TICK EVERY 2 TIME UNIT always #1 clock=~clock; //always @(state) // coin=!coin; initial begin if (reset) coin=2’b00; end \\THIS IS WHERE I INSTANTIATE THE MACHINE fsm inst1(clock,reset,coin,vend,state,change); endmodule


what is the undefined bits in flag registers of 8085 microprocessor?


List some analog modulation techniques.


What are the main differences between the 8085 and 8086 microprocessor?


What is the difference between a microprocessor and a microcontroller?


What is the difference between 8085 microprocessor and 8086 microprocessor?


What is the difference between 8085 microprocessor and a 8086 microprocessor?


These are two ways in which a microprocessor can come out of Halt state.


After the following has been executed MOV BL, 8C MOV AL, 7E ADD AL, BL; what will be the contents of register AL?


What are Pseudo instructions basically?


Signal voltage ranges for a logic high and for a logic low in RS-232C standard are


What does SD RAM refers to