tell me the procedure in briefly to enter in nda through cds exam AFTER Graduation &also its syllabus
I have cleared my CDS(OTA)written test.Now how should I prepare for the SSB interview? What all I need to do? n from where can I know the medical fitness criteria?
what is clr?
what is merge sort?
what is punching?
tell me about indo china relation ?
I want to know if a person fail to give Form-H of CST what is replace of this can we collect 2% cst against "C" Form or full VAT? or any other penalty...
4. 02 negative points and 02 positive points of your self, parents, friends, your boss, your wife
How can we stop human population in India?
What qualities of yourself did you discover in SSB?
why u did not achieve anything in sports
who are better friends according to you-girls or boys?
Why airforce after Msc math?
how do you check someone's honesty ?
Are you in a relationship? If yes then how intimate if no then why ??