what is the advaantage of each user having its own copy of the shell?
hw will u use awk in replacing cahrs and files
why metadb requires a seperate slice to create Solaris volume manager
When i run a programm of orphan process. Instead of getting child's parent (ppid)=1 ..i get 1400 and it varies as per system.
How can i findthe right soluion???
My pgm:
how to sort the content of the file based on numeric values
How to find $ai_serual resolved path by using unix
What does 'mkdir' command do in UNIX?
What is the functionality of a top command?
What are the commands in UNIX to list the files in a Directory?
What is ‘ps’ command for?
What is the significance of the 'tee' command?
What does the command ' $who | sort –logfile > newfile' do?
What does the command '$ls | wc –l > file1' do?
How is the command '$cat file2 ' different from '$cat >file2 and >> redirection operators ?
Explain the steps that a shell follows while processing a command.