Un-Answered Questions { CGI Perl }

How can I implement the function overloading in Perl ? I read about the operator overloading, I do not know how to implement the function overloading. Thanks in advance ?


package MYCALC; use Exporter; our @EXPORT = (); our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(addition multi); our %EXPORT_TAGS = (DEFAULT => [qw(&addition)],Both => [qw(&addition & +multi)]); sub addition { return $_[0] + $_[1]; } sub multi { return $_[0] * $_[1]; } 1; Program: use strict; use warnings; my @list = qw (2 2); use Module qw(:DEFAULT); print addition(@list),"\n"; Above coding is my module MYCALC and the program which using this module, I have not exported any function using @EXPORT, but I have used the DEFAULT in %EXPORT_TAGS with the function addition, when I call this function from the main it says the error as,


what are steps to do to lock the sony ericsson mobile with password?


how to extract pin_code,phone_number,year from text file using regular expressions in perl


How to disable the mod_perl from apache_server as i have used perlfect search on the site and its pagination is not working and the remedy is to disable the mod_perl.


how to create a flat file database as shown below s.no name age city phone 0 hema 22 Calcutta 4312542 1 hema 21 Bangalore 2344345 2 ganesh 25 delhi 2445454 3 kartik 45 pune 4312121 4 santosh 25 Hyderabad 2254231 5 kumar 25 mysore 2344567 6 gita 34 mangalore 6532123 7 gita 32 pune 2213456 Q1.print the details of the person who r from bangalore q2.Replace the city name managlore to pune q3.prints no of person having name gita and hema q4.print how many are of age 25.


I have one question regarding to eval function. I know eval function is use for error checking but I am not able to understand below line. eval \'exec perl -S $0 ${1+\"$@\"}\' if 0; $0 for script name $@ set if error occur


Hi, I am a accountant. I am preparing a balance sheet but because of staff shortage and time pressures I cant complete it on time. There is lot of common data with last years which I need not retype and I can manage by editing last year’s balance sheet ? Is their any software on net where I can do this easily??


Why we use CGI?


We all know private variables exist in perl. But do private METHODS exist in perl ? Eg ?


how to get back up from private character editor which is saved in the format of .udf


There is no strict data types in perl unlike in other high level languages like Java so wouldn't that be a problem if a code in perl is to be a written by a big team of 20+ members ?"


How to check the status of airplane mode (enable/disable) in perl for Android mobile?


how to connect cisco switch uisng perl script


Assuming both a local($var) and a my($var) exist, what's the difference between ${var} and ${"var"}?