Would we given training at first job (entry level)?
Please, anyone out there that had been a SQA Tester, would You all give me a hint on this Job? Is becoming a SQA Tester is easy? Is it a tough one? Please help me on finding a way on this very first Job of mine?
In Software Development Team, Who has the biggest and smallest salary? Can You list all of it? It say that SQA Tester is the smallest one, Is it right?
What kind of things that forbidden to do by a SQA Tester if He/ She don’t want to get fired?
Is automating some test case is important? What about the maintenance? When will automated test become uneffective?
In one project, How much “%” effort made by SQA Tester? e.g. : developer = 35%, manager = 10%, etc.
I want to create a set of portofolio for increasing the chance applying as a SQA Tester, the Question is, What kind of thing that must I put on that Portofolio?
What is the most critical bug you found in your latest project or overall in your career ?
how to identify metrics, integrity level, identify risks and identify security issues in ieee 829 standard explain with examples??
what approach do you folllow in writing test cases?
Hello Can anyone please share the interview details for QA positions in Tribal Fusion, Noida. Much Thanks
I want to know about the open source licenses and its features
Suggest me MCQ book for Software testing
how cani do requirement testing using some testcase
how can i wrtie testcases for huge data