Topic :: Development

Development Interview Questions
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For the 7 stages of the SDLC (Planning, Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, Implementation, and Maintenance), What are the major inputs and outputs of each stage? What are the primary activities in each stage? Who are the primary "players" involved in each stage (e.g., Tech Arch's BA's, Testers etc.)?


In the 7 Stages of the SDLC (Planning, System Analysis, System Design, Development, Testing, Implementation, and Maintenance), what is the INPUT and OUTPUT of each stage?


In the 7 Stages of the SDLC (Planning, System Analysis, System Design, Development, Testing, Implementation, and Maintenance), WHO are the stakeholders of each stage?


How has the study of Acoelomates contributed to our understanding of animal evolution and development?


In what ways do you stay updated on the latest developments and trends in aeronautical engineering to continually enhance your skills and knowledge?


Describe your involvement in the development of new technologies for pest and disease control in crops and livestock.


Are you familiar with any recent trends or advancements in the field of SAP Process Orchestration? How do you stay updated on industry developments?


Describe the best practices for version control and deployment of data integration jobs from development to production environments in SAP BODI.


Are you familiar with recent advancements in nephrology research and treatment modalities? How do you stay updated on the latest developments?


Are you familiar with recent advancements in neurology research and treatment modalities? How do you stay informed about the latest developments?


Are you familiar with recent advancements in rheumatology research and treatment modalities? How do you stay updated on the latest developments?


Are you familiar with recent advancements in ophthalmology research and treatment modalities? How do you stay updated on the latest developments?


Are you familiar with recent advancements in hematology research and treatment modalities? How do you stay informed about the latest developments?


Are you familiar with recent advancements in cancer research and treatment modalities? How do you stay informed about the latest developments?


Un-Answered Questions { Development }

There is very little time to test due to the development team delay how will you handle this situation?


How have you used ActionScript in your Flash development? To what length?


Give me an example of how you have planned projects from start to finish. What is your development lifecycle?


A baby is born with spina bifida. Explain what happened or didn't happen developmentally? How might this defect have been prevented?


what is the impact of tourism on regional economic development,employment and land use planning?


Is there any procedure of web-site development in manual testing. If yes what are factors we should test?


What are virtual platforms for software development?


How may fisheries management affect sustainable development?


What role can fisheries play in national development and poverty reduction?


Is there anyone else in your set of peers or friends who you would like to recommend as a great candidate for Software Development positions at Microsoft? If so, please list their name and email address below.


What should Development require of QA?


What should QA require of Development?


Have you ever worked with QA in developing test tools? Explain the participation Development should have with QA in leveraging such test tools for QA use.


Describe a past experience with implementing a test harness in the development of software.


Describe your personal software development process.