I don't have much money.Is it possible to enter into this
Modeling field to become Model with Lack of money?

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I don't have much money.Is it possible to enter into this Modeling field to become Model with ..

Answer / priya

Generally, the only basic cost associated in this industry
are photographs and training i.e., How to Pose, Cat Walk,
Makeup, etc, those cost can vary from photographer to
agency/modeling school.Compare to other professions it's
little bit expensive.
Choose the Right Photographer and Right Institution based
on your financial position.

All the Best

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I don't have much money.Is it possible to enter into this Modeling field to become Model with ..

Answer / wilhelmina

Yes, it's very possible! if you ever run into an agency
where you have to pay for ANYTHING, run the other way
because they're fraud. They will be paying you, it has no

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I don't have much money.Is it possible to enter into this Modeling field to become Model with ..

Answer / wilhelmina

Yes, it's very possible! if you ever run into an agency
where you have to pay for ANYTHING, run the other way
because they're fraud. They will be paying you, it has no

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I don't have much money.Is it possible to enter into this Modeling field to become Model with ..

Answer / wilhelmina

Yes, it's very possible! if you ever run into an agency
where you have to pay for ANYTHING, run the other way
because they're fraud. They will be paying you, it has no

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I don't have much money.Is it possible to enter into this Modeling field to become Model with ..

Answer / him295

i think Priya is absolutely right in this aspect.
but even then you need a shoot out once and for that you
need to have few thousand (Rs 50000-70000) bucks

great luck....

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