What is Flask and explain its benefits?

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What is Flask and explain its benefits?..

Answer / nashiinformaticssolutions

Flask is a lightweight Python web framework used to build web applications. It is considered a "microframework" because it provides the basic essentials for web development without too many additional features out of the box. Some benefits of Flask are:
Simplicity and flexibility: Flask is easy to use for small applications and allows for maximum flexibility, making it ideal for developers who want to structure their app however they see fit.
Lightweight: It has minimalistic dependencies (like Werkzeug for routing and Jinja2 for templating), which keeps the application lightweight.
Extensibility: While Flask doesn't include built-in tools for things like databases, forms, or authentication, it allows you to add these features with third-party extensions when needed.
Session management: Flask allows managing sessions easily by using secure cookies, meaning the application can remember information between requests.

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What is Flask and explain its benefits?..

Answer / glibwaresoftsolutions

Flask is a lightweight Python web framework used to build web applications. It is considered a "microframework" because it provides the basic essentials for web development without too many additional features out of the box. Some benefits of Flask are:
Simplicity and flexibility: Flask is easy to use for small applications and allows for maximum flexibility, making it ideal for developers who want to structure their app however they see fit.
Lightweight: It has minimalistic dependencies (like Werkzeug for routing and Jinja2 for templating), which keeps the application lightweight.
Extensibility: While Flask doesn't include built-in tools for things like databases, forms, or authentication, it allows you to add these features with third-party extensions when needed.
Session management: Flask allows managing sessions easily by using secure cookies, meaning the application can remember information between requests.

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