Differentiate between range and xrange.

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Differentiate between range and xrange...

Answer / nashiinformaticssolutions

Functionality-wise, xrange and range are nearly identical. Both of these let you create an integer list that you may use however you like. The only distinction between xrange and range is that x range returns an xrange object, whereas range returns a Python list object. Range will use as much memory as possible to produce your array of numbers, which can result in a memory error and crash your program. This is particularly true if you are working with a device that needs a lot of memory, like a phone. It has a memory issue and is a beast.

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Differentiate between range and xrange...

Answer / glibwaresoftsolutions

Functionality-wise, xrange and range are nearly identical. Both of these let you create an integer list that you may use however you like. The only distinction between xrange and range is that x range returns an xrange object, whereas range returns a Python list object. Range will use as much memory as possible to produce your array of numbers, which can result in a memory error and crash your program. This is particularly true if you are working with a device that needs a lot of memory, like a phone. It has a memory issue and is a beast.

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Differentiate between range and xrange...

Answer / hr@tgksolutions.com

Functionality-wise, xrange and range are nearly identical. Both of these let you create an integer list that you may use however you like. The only distinction between xrange and range is that x range returns an xrange object, whereas range returns a Python list object. Range will use as much memory as possible to produce your array of numbers, which can result in a memory error and crash your program. This is particularly true if you are working with a device that needs a lot of memory, like a phone. It has a memory issue and is a beast.

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