What is MIDP ?

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What is MIDP ?..

Answer / guest

The Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) is a
specification for a J2ME profile. It is layered on top of
CLDC and adds APIs for application life cycle, user
interface, networking, and persistent storage.

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What is MIDP ?..

Answer / surya

MIDP - Mobile Information Device Profile
---based on the CLDC configuration
---defines a platform for dynamically and securely
deploying optimized, graphical, networked applications
focused specifically on two-way wireless devices such as
cell phones and pagers
--- focus was on application model, user interface,
networking, and storage APIs
--- The MIDP specification was defined through the Java
Community Process (JCP) by players like: Motorola, Nokia,
Ericsson, Research in Motion (RIM), and Symbian.

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