what is nl2br?

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what is nl2br?..

Answer / prantik gautam

nl2br() means newline to break. Actually when we retrieve
data from database using PHP mysql code, the nl2br()
function helps to get the format to maintain the sequence as
was at the time of insertion.

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what is nl2br?..

Answer / rameshmjs

nl2br — Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string

Example using nl2br()
echo nl2br("foo isn't\n bar");

The above example will output:

foo isn't<br />

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what is nl2br?..

Answer / madhu

nl2br is used for new for every entry
example :
$query=mysql_query("select * from table");
$var = $row['data'];
echo nl2br($var);

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what is nl2br?..

Answer / abhay

nl2br is use t for new line,\
ex:echo nl2br("this is \n ddd");

this is

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