Suppose a student column has two columns, name and marks. How to get name and marks of top three students.
1 1111How to test a dts package created for data insert update and delete? What should be considered in the above case while testing it?
244Post New Database Testing Questions
What do we usually check in database testing?
What is the way of writing testcases for database testing?
How to test database in manually? Explain with an example?
To manage and manipulate the test table what are the sql statements that you have used in database testing?
How would you know for database testing, whether trigger is fired or not?
What is white box testing and black box testing?
How to test a dts package created for data insert update and delete?
Without using database checkpoints, how you test a sql query in qtp?
What is cmmi and describe different levels of cmm?
What do you mean by dcl commands and explain the types of commands used by dcl?
What is the test scenario to test a database migrated from one sql server to another?
How to test procedures and triggers of a database?
What is performance testing and what are the bottlenecks of performance testing?
What are the possible values for boolean data field.
Can you test database manually, if yes; then how, explain with example?