Oracle Errors Interview Questions
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PCC-00107: The CONNECT statement is Oracle implementation dependent

1 2279

PCC-00108: This statement is not supported by ANSI

1 2183

PCC-00109: Dynamic SQL and PL/SQL are Oracle extensions to ANSI SQL

1 2271

PCC-00110: Oracle extension to the WHENEVER statement

1 2218

PCC-00111: SQLCHECK value in EXEC ORACLE statement exceeds command line value

1 2330

PCC-00112: Datatype not supported by ANSI

1 2277

PCC-00113: Value of DBMS option invalid with given value of MODE option

1 2360

PCC-00114: Length spec required in EXEC SQL VAR statements for VARxxx types

1 2293

PCC-00115: Array required here

1 2137

PCC-00116: This array already given in an ARRAYLEN statement

1 2284

PCC-00117: Invalid ARRAYLEN length variable type

1 2485

PCC-00118: Use of host variable initialization not supported by ANSI SQL

1 3165

PCC-00119: Value of const variable in INTO clause will be modified

1 2178

PCC-00120: File I/O error during code generation

1 2404

PCC-00121: Arrays of VARCHAR pointers are not supported

1 2194

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ORA-26095: unprocessed stream data exists


invalid quantity specification negative quantity are not allowed for this item please check this item definition quantity


[ERROR] [main 11:01:20] ( Unsuccessful: alter table user.CEN_USER_MASTER add constraint FKF4EDEDC3D0BAAE75 foreign key (ROLE_ID) references user.CEN_ROLE_MASTER [ERROR] [main 11:01:20] ( ORA-02275: such a referential constraint already exists in the table


IMP-00063: Warning: Skipping table "string"."string" because object type "string"."string" cannot be created or has different identifier


Hi guys, I have four tables those are emp,dept,eliminate and uneliminate. i wrote small cursor..when i run, it display one error (ORA-01403 nodata found)... The query is: Declare cursor c1 is select e.ename emp_name from emp e,dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno group by deptno; r1 c1%rowtype; test_emp varchar2(200); begin for r1 in c1 loop begin select eliminate_emp into test_emp from eliminate t,uneliminate ut where t.number=ut.number and t.deptno=e.deptno and rownum<1; end; dbms_output.put_line(r1.emp_name); end loop; end; Thanks...


ORA-26082: load of overlapping segments on table string.string is not allowed


ORA-26030: index string.string had string partitions made unusable due to:


ORA-16627: No standby databases support the overall protection mode.


ORA-26084: direct path context already finished


ORA-26076: cannot set or reset value after direct path structure is allocated


ORA-07497: sdpri: cannot create trace file 'string'; errno = string.


IMG-02003: 2FF03 - incorrect color histogram feature specification


IMP-00096: Warning: Skipping table "string"."string" because type synonym "string"."string" cannot be created


ORA-26029: index string.string partition string initially in unusable state


ORA-16626: failed to enable specified object