Oracle Errors Interview Questions
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ORA-28276: Invalid ORACLE password attribute.

1 4079

ORA-28277: LDAP search, while authenticating global user with passwords, failed.

1 2240

ORA-28278: No domain policy registered for password based GLOBAL users.

1 2285

ORA-28279: Error reading ldap_directory_access init parameter.

1 2704

ORA-28280: Multiple entries for ORACLE database password exist.

1 2292

ORA-28290: Multiple entries found for the same Kerberos Principal Name

1 2515

ORA-28291: No Kerberos Principal Value found.

1 2112

ORA-28292: No Domain Policy registered for Kerberos based authentication

1 2110

ORA-28293: No matched Kerberos Principal found in any user entry

1 4046

ORA-28300: No permission to read user entry in LDAP directory service.

1 3426

ORA-28301: Domain Policy hasn't been registered for SSL authentication.

1 2566

ORA-28302: User does not exist in the LDAP directory service.

1 2318

ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message:

1 7647

ORA-28501: communication error on heterogeneous database link

1 4693

ORA-28502: internal communication error on heterogeneous database link


1 4740

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ORA-16627: No standby databases support the overall protection mode.


How to resolve QSM-01108 error. I have no OR conditions in my query, but do have 9 IN conditions. The error says the max limit is 2 while I have 257 number of disjuncts. However, if I remove even a single IN condition, the query is rewritten. I cannot change my query. How can I resolve this issue?


ORA-16626: failed to enable specified object


ORA-26094: stream format error: input column overflow


ORA-26095: unprocessed stream data exists


In my project I am using star schema and only diimension tables are loaded and not fact tables any one can help me why it is happening? Plase guide me.


ORA-26084: direct path context already finished


invalid quantity specification negative quantity are not allowed for this item please check this item definition quantity


ORA-16516: The current state is invalid for the attempted operation.


when i ran any workflow or session, getting below error: seesion task instance[s_xxx]: Execution terminated unexpecterdly


Hi guys, I have four tables those are emp,dept,eliminate and uneliminate. i wrote small cursor..when i run, it display one error (ORA-01403 nodata found)... The query is: Declare cursor c1 is select e.ename emp_name from emp e,dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno group by deptno; r1 c1%rowtype; test_emp varchar2(200); begin for r1 in c1 loop begin select eliminate_emp into test_emp from eliminate t,uneliminate ut where t.number=ut.number and t.deptno=e.deptno and rownum<1; end; dbms_output.put_line(r1.emp_name); end loop; end; Thanks...


ORA-26082: load of overlapping segments on table string.string is not allowed


Hi guys, I have four tables those are emp,dept,eliminate and uneliminate. i wrote small cursor..when i run, it display one error (ORA-01403 nodata found)... The query is: Declare cursor c1 is select e.ename emp_name from emp e,dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno group by deptno; r1 c1%rowtype; test_emp varchar2(200); begin for r1 in c1 loop begin select eliminate_emp into test_emp from eliminate t,uneliminate ut where t.number=ut.number and t.deptno=e.deptno and rownum<1; end; dbms_output.put_line(r1.emp_name); end loop; end; Thanks...


ORA-26030: index string.string had string partitions made unusable due to:


IMP-00070: Lob definitions in dump file are inconsistent with database.