MySQL Interview Questions
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at first i'm using datediff('d', a.due_date, current_date); but it takes too long to get the result but how can i subtract the current_date - a.due_date and still get the same result like when i use datediff? thank you

1 2786

how to take mysql database structure backup

6 8635

How do you start MySQL on Linux?


5 6128

What is the main different between Null and NOT Null. Difference between Primary and Unique Key. How to Check the database from which application is it possibe.

6 6812

What is Foreign Key? What is the main difference between primary key and Foreign Key ? How Foreign Key can be defined? Is Foreign key is used to join two or more table?

4 6322

What is Inner Joints and Outer Joints ? What is right outer joints,left outer joints,right inner joints , left inner joints ,


2 6823

What is the difference Delete and Drop ?

6 7157

how we connect the data base in any programme

2 3341

What is check constraint?

3 5588

what do you mean by longblob Data type in MySql?

3 11565

What is difference b/w composit key n primary key and forigion key?

4 6467

Print 3 highest salary

9 10283

what programming language which is used for testing and developement in sql?

3 3854

what is the advantage of left outer join?

2 12981

What is the difference between a Table and a View?

3 5780

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Un-Answered Questions { MySQL }

How do stored procedures work?


What is the default port for mysql and how it can change?


Is mysql a relational database?


What is the default password for mysql?


Is microsoft sql same as mysql?


can you elaborate on blob and text in mysql? : Mysql dba


How do I view mysql logs?


What do we use to remove duplicate records while fetching a data in mysql ?


How do I run mysql without installing?


What is mysql community server?


What language does mysql use?


What is the difference between database and table?


What are the applications required to support mysql?


Can mysql scale horizontally?


How do I restore a mysql database dump file in linux?