Solaris Commands Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

How to change the mirror status from 0:1 to 0:5 and how?

1 2870

Where the veritas disk information store.

2 5028

How to increase the size of the file system?

2 5288

What is shrinking and how to shrink a volume?

2 4400

What is encapsulation?

3 4107

How to add a root dg?

3 5085

What is the difference between the VERITAS 3.0 and VERITAS 4.0?

2 4419

How to mirror a root dg? With eg

1 3828

How to rename the old root disk. In this example, rootdisk is being renamed as rootold.

1 3363

How to Encapsulate the new root disk (c2t2d0).

3 8668

How to mirror and unmirror a disk?

1 5355

How to remove a disk group?


1 4628

How to display the volume configuration information?

2 4205

What is the command to identify master node on vcs

Atos Origin,

1 18521

What is the nature of VCS?

2 3603

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Un-Answered Questions { Solaris Commands }

What are the differences between the command line and graphical user interface?


Write the steps involved in creating and executing a program to implement the “case” command.


How to add a new LUN in exit disksets (metasets) in solaris please answer me step by step procedure?


please post step by step installation of packages from the EIS cd..


Where do you get Alarm prompt?


There are two nic cards on a sun server. I need to connect one nic to pupic ip and another nic to DMZ. Could you tell me how to configure step by step?


How to create core dump and crash dump #coreadm .


How can u find a file which is logged in last week?


what is the difference between solaris8 and solaris9 and solaris10


what are the alarms in solaris?


Which command is used to backup and restore solaris file system?


If the root disk is failed how can change it?


How to make SUN server as router in subnetwork?


What does pkgadd command do?


How to configure email notification in solaris 8? We are using netbackup 5