PHP Interview Questions
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How many ways we can pass the variable through the navigation between the pages?

7 16125

What is the difference between ereg_replace() and eregi_replace()?


2 12801

What are the different functions in sorting an array?

2 8762

How can we know the count/number of elements of an array?

3 10036

What is the PHP predefined variable that tells the What types of images that PHP supports?

1 9470

How can I know that a variable is a number or not using a JavaScript?

2 8371

List out some tools through which we can draw E-R diagrams for mysql?

6 10882

How can I retrieve values from one database server and store them in other database server using PHP?

DRC Systems, Photon,

2 12644

List out the predefined classes in PHP?

11 29046

How can I make a script that can be bilanguage (supports English, German)?

3 9990

What are the difference between abstract class and interface?

4 15190

How can we send mail using JavaScript?

dwise, iScope,

13 76047

What is the purpose of the following files having extensions 1) .frm 2) .myd 3) .myi? What do these files contain?

2 7430

How can we find the number of rows in a result set using PHP?

4 10252

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Cascading Style Sheets?

1 9718

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Un-Answered Questions { PHP }

What is difference between mysql_connect and mysqli_connect?


Do you know how to enable error reporting in php?


Is php a case sensitive language?


What is php compared to html?


How to implement a class named dragonball. This class must have an attribute named ballcount (which starts from 0) and a method ifoundaball. When ifoundaball is called, ballcount is increased by one. If the value of ballcount is equal to seven, then the message you can ask your wish is printed, and ballcount is reset to 0. How would you implement this class?


What is the difference between "echo" and "print" in php?


How can you execute php script from the command line?


What function should you use to join array elements with a glue string?


What is the role of php?


What does the arrow mean in php?


What is var_dump function in php?


What is the use of mysql_real_escape_string() function?


How can you get the size of an image in PHP?


Why do we use php?


Where are the persistent cookies stored on your computer?