PHP Interview Questions
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How can we do user authentication without using session/cookies ? For ex:- From page1 accepts user name and password and need to check in all other pages whether the user has logged in or not


6 9616

1.Where are the sessions storing ? 2.What are the contents of a session file ? 3.If the server is loaded with too many session files there is a possibility of server crash. How can we solve this issue? 4. How does php server identify that the particular session belongs to particular user ? For ex: If two users A and B logged from different machine, separate session files (say 1 and 2) will be created in the server. But how the php knows that 1 belongs to A and 2 belongs to B ?

PA Consulting, TCS,

4 8015

1.Where are the cookies storing ? 2.What is the drawback of using cookies ? 3. If two site is having same cookie name and different values what will be the output if we echo the cookie name from those sites ? How can we solve this issue (How can we specify the domain name)?


8 14186

Whether session will work if we disable cookies in client browser ?

10 19839

1. Write a function to swap two values ? $a = 10; $b = 20; echo $a, $b; swap(); // If u want u can pass parameters echo $a, $b; // It should print 20 , 10

Aquasol, Infosys, TCS, Torque Infotech,

14 35015

This question is regarding version control. If two developers are committing the same php file at same time what will happen ? What error it will show (if any) ?


2 5861

What is the difference between include and include_once ? Which is one is good in terms of performance ?


2 5029

What is the difference between mysql_connect and mysql_pconnect ? Which one is good in terms of performance ?

4 11110

How session works (internal processing of session) ?

ASD Lab, IPSR Solutions,

3 10044

Does not want to see PHPSESSID in the url. How can be done this ?

3 5775

How to check whether cookies are disbled or not in the browser ? If that is the case how do you handle the sessions ?

1 3549

What is serialization / object serialization ?

2 4648

What is the purpose of destructor ?

2 5074

Whether site will complete the execution of the script if Fatal error occurs ?

1 2862

when ever the user logged in the database table the current registered date will be appeared

3 4198

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Un-Answered Questions { PHP }

How can we enable error reporting in php?


How to remove leading and trailing spaces from user input values?


which will print out the php call stack?


What is the difference between for and foreach?


Explain Booleans in PHP?


How to call a php function from another php file?


What is php explain how php works?


What does $_cookie mean?


What is composer phar?


How do you end php?


Which cryptographic extension provide generation and verification of digital signatures?


What is php written in?


Where to put php files in apache server?


List some features of php that are deprecated in php7?


What is the ioncube php loader?