What is a Tableau workbook?
What is testng?
What is ms word and its advantages?
Is postgresql a programming language?
What are the types of data warehouses?
What is data taxonomy?
I want to make my career in networking so how to going there? right now i have done a+ n+ ccna course from cms com institute but i m not certified with globle certification os what is my frist step ?, my finincial prob also with me plz sorry isubmit it
In a property booking section want a query to check that property is booked from StartDate to EndDate.Booking Table field are given id proerty_id start_date checkout_date no_of_visitor booking date status Waiting yours answer.. Thanks In Advance...
What is difference between equi join and inner join?
How do I know if I have jre or jdk?
Where Can i take a SPI INtools training in Mumbai? In Rolta India Ltd to whom I should approach regarding of SPI INtools Training?
Why do we use trim?
How you trouble shoot when any job fails
What is limit of turnover for registering under CST & limit of Form 'C '
How to indentify MS-Word objects like Menubar, Toolbar, table/columns/rows/cells etc within Word document, using QTP?