A project is considered successful when: A. The product of the project has been manufactured. B. The project sponsor announces the completion of the project. C. The product of the project is turned over to the operations area to handle the ongoing aspects of the project. D. The project meets or exceeds the expectations of the stakeholders.
What are the KPI that decides the capacity expansion of SGSN/MME?
How do you determine what suction pressure should be in r22 air conditioning compressors suction line?
Hi, I am Gurunathan. I am in need of ONGC, IOCL, DRDO technical test ( chemical engineering)and general aptitude questions. If anyone has kindly post it to me soon.
what is the system function to get current user's user id? : Sql server database administration
Compare the features of the three transistor configurations.
What is src/ directory?
Which is better keynote or powerpoint?
How can we get the user's ip address in laravel?
What is full form of PHP?
Why the ammonia and Nitric Acid level indicators is with millimeter ? and What is the conversion form millimeters that level indicator indicate to weight ?
I had installed QTP 9.2. It is working fine but whenever I open QTP, it is trying to reinstall the below-mentioned files again and again "QTP92PS82UPGRADE.exe", "recogn.dll". If anybody has these files, please provide those files in this site or you can send that files to my mail id also (lravi4u@yahoo.com). If you don't know where the files will be in the QTP, search in the QTP software CD or path of QTP program installed (C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional)
Explain what are the various types of Transformation on DStream?
What other careers are you considering?
What is regex in java?