Hi to all abap guru's my question is how to print the page numbers like 2 4 6 on all pagess in smart forms means 2 on first page 4 on second page thanks in advance
1 3362How can u decide that how many records can be displayed in one page in scripts ? or in one window ? 2. what is enhancement category in transparent table ?
6 9495A database table contains 3 fields(Student_no,Section,Total_marks).I want retrieve top 10 students from each section.Note:(Section contains data like A,B,C.Each section contains more than 10 students).
7 8798Post New Enteg Technologies SAP ABAP Interview Questions
Define the necessity of run stats among the environment test?
Please explain what is bootstrap well?
Sql statement that defines a foreign key constraint on column dept no1 of emp1 table?
What are the lmhosts files?
What Are Worksheets?
How do you deal with different stakeholders?
What are the various file formats involved in reportnet?
How to select all paragraph elements whose lang attribute has a value of exactly "fr"?
How to access web.xml init parameters from JSP page?
What is a private attribute in hana?
how do I enable the security tab for the organization object?
Explain abcs of endpoint?
Is count down_to_zero loop better than count_up_loops?
What is the autodiscover service?
How can we align layers of an image relative to each other?