The LCM of two numbers is 2079 and their HCF is 27. If one of the numbers is 189, find the other number. (a) 248 (b) 128 (c) 297 (d) 336 (e) None of these
12 48349Post New Emphasis General Aptitude Interview Questions
Explain prerequisites and post activities of oracle database installation
How can you get planned orders scheduled so that you can do capacity leveling ?
You want to empty an array. How would you do that?
What is sqladapter c#?
how do you list and flush all ip tables in linux?
what is unique key constraint? : Sql dba
any body,pls tell me how to done relay coordination ? how to coordinate by TCC curve?how to read the tcc curve?
What is xml and its features?
What is the shortcut for delete in excel?
What is innerhtml and outerhtml?
How can you load multi line records? : aql loader
Explain what sikuli is?
Is there a c++ certification?
what is uses of .net
How do we extend yii?