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Drugs Inspector APPSC AllOther Interview Questions
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The name ‘Pakistan’ was coined by (1) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (2) Mohammad Ali Jinnah (3) Mohammad Iqbal (4) Azad

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Post New Drugs Inspector APPSC AllOther Interview Questions

Drugs Inspector APPSC AllOther Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

direction of tarbine& genrator


What is a platform?


A banker has a seif with a cipher. Not to forget the cipher, he wants to write it coded as following: each digit to be replaced with the difference of 9 with the current digit. The banker chose a cipher. Decipher it knowing the cipher starts with a digit different than 9. I need to write a program that takes the cipher from the keyboard and prints the new cipher. I thought of the following: Take the input from the keyboard and put it into a string or an array. Go through the object with a for and for each digit other than the first, substract it from 9 and add it to another variable. Print the new variable. Theoretically I thought of it but I don't know much C. Could you give me any kind of hint, whether I am on the right track or not?


Can you compile java into exe?


What is meta html?


How do I consolidate text data in excel?


What do you know about high-frequency oscillations (20-50 Hz) in invertebrates or vertebrates? What causes them?


Explain about .net assemblies?


How can I validate an xml document that uses xml namespaces?


What is the difference between "using;" and directly adding the reference from "add references dialog box"?


What’s the difference between forward and sendredirect?


What is geocentric?


Explain the working of Google auction?


What is the best Code-coverage tool available for Play and Scala based applications?


Which is not a file-related function in php?