What is the difference between csv and xml?
Does mysql need a server?
A 30 year old woman requests termination of pregnancy at 7 weeks gestation. How you will counsel her and discuss the available options for pregnancy termination.
What are the key features of dbms?
What is the rate of WCT on the Electrical Contracts comprising of DG Sets and Civil Works in Delhi ?
What is xmlhttprequest object in ajax?
Operator ID instances are normally stored in the PegaRULES database as rows of the ?
Who developed c language and when?
What is using namespace std in c++?
How do I fix msvcr100 dll missing in windows 7?
What is table mutation and how do you avoid it?
Please some one answer these Q's 1.Modules in Pension Domains ? 2.What Should we Test on Pension Domain.? Thanks in Advance Stewie
What is provider in angular 2?
Why linq is having select clause at the end?
What is KTC noise?