What are the global installations of dependencies?
What is meaning of android word?
In Assy by potentio metry titration method how select MET U ,DET U, SET U,
What are the three modes of lotus inotes?
Is it possible to list elements straight in an html file?
Can you write a code to select all links inside the paragraph?
What is context cell expansion in qlikview?
They were asking sily questions and definitions rather than practical experience related questions. More focused on Definitions.
What is delimit?Why we will assign delimit to position?
What is the main difference between WaitAll and WaitAny?
What are logical views used for in microstrategy?
Give me few examples that you have done to increase your knowledge in the past one year?
What are the indicators of inflation?
purchase return liability or asset?should it be included in the balanced sheet?
Which class we used to convert the data types?