How do I create a button which acts like a link?
How you can debug the tests in selenium ide?
What is the example of command sentence?
Which command is used to modify the rows?
When was the atomic energy regulatory board ( aerb ) constituted?
How do I fix msvcp140 dll missing in windows 7?
What is an asynchronous process and why it is needed?
How we implement the ActiveX controls in VC++application
i had been rejected once..,now if i remove my money which i have borrowed and the passs book entry and balance certificate of the previous one, would it do for the next interview or i have to make again new statements for just 10 days??
What are the two types of xml parsers?
take an array with -ve and +ve value both.find out the nearest value of 0(zero).if two values are same like(-2 and +2)then extract +2 is nearest of 0(zero).
What does servant leadership mean and how does the scrum master fits as a servant leader?
What are the types of j2ee clients?
What is shift factor? Explain with example.
How do you find duplicates in conditional formatting?