i finished my mba in 2004 on corres.so, i would like to join sap sd module . please give me suggetions about this.
4 6382Post New CSE SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Interview Questions
For 1 bag cement how i will calculate sand and metal aggregate;Here the mix proportion is 1:2.49:2.38
(b) How Find, Replace and Go To commands ca be used to substitute one character string for another? Explain with the heIp of an example.
What is the use of datalist in html5?
Which is the star nearest to earth?
Why do you need to subtract cash from the enterprise value formula?
How can you read a directory in a C program?
How mining in ethereum works?
Why do we need a web application session?
Difference between class#getinstance() and new operator ?
How to call shell script from pl sql procedure?
What are three versions if splunk?
Does dba need to know programming?
Is it possible to code instream data in a PROC?
What do you understand by maven software?
How to avoid expanding a tree node when double-clicking on it?