Laboratory experiments conducted in Mumbai on a particular mix showed a strength of 33 MP a for a fully matured concrete. Find whether formworm can be removed for an identical concrete placed at Jammu at the age of 15 days when the average temperature is 60C. The stripping stress in concrete
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Step 1 RC 4 Step 2 Step 3 I want to know the COND parameter which can be coded in step 2 or 3. Step 2 should be executed based on Step 1 RC and Step 3 should not be executed based on step 1's RC
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What are the differences between stringbuffer and stringbuilder?
Why can the amnion also be considered an adaptation to terrestrial life?
What are the purpose of washing?
How can you find out how many users are currently logged into the database?
What are dsls and which dsls have you used?
What is the rank function in excel?
Explain control variable in online screens?
What is the purpose of air blow?
What is sharepoint from an administration perspective?
What is object-relationship-model (orm)?
What strategy should giorgio use to increase the number of relevant clicks from his search network campaign?
What are adjustment postings and its use? Give and paths if possible?
What are unions in c?