Why procedure is used in sql?
What do you understand by a pure virtual member function?
What is the difference between atomic and nonatomic properties? Which is the default for synthesized properties?
What does ** (double star/asterisk) and * (star/asterisk) do for parameters?
What are relation objects in dataset?
What is use of FormBoarderStyle Propertie
The performance of an operation in several steps with each step using the output of the preceding step a) recursion b) search c) call by value d) call by reference
Which database is used in python?
How can you create a macro variable with in data step? : sas-macro
What is swing?
What is ev-do/ evdo?
Define environment variable ?
How do I select all files?
Discuss the function of conditional operator, size of operator and comma operator with examples.
What is the difference between innerHTML and innerText?