we are selling a device for 6000 and the company want to replace that device with a new device which is a bit more than the prior price say 7000. how we can account this?
1 3560Post New Calsoft Accounting General Interview Questions
What is the default time out limit in timeout property?
What is pig statistics?
How data flows from pp into fi & copa? : co-pa
What is conditional wait and arbitary wait?
How do you set up a table of contents in word 2013?
Difference between sy-tabix and sy-index? Where it is used? Can you check sy-subarc after perform?
Why is that unsafe to deal locate the memory using free( ) if it has been allocated using new?
What are class and characteristics? What are their use?
Which of the Commands delete the files from the /tmp directory, issued by non-root user?
What are the various access specifiers for java classes?
Can we use fieldset in the lightning component? : salesforce lightning component
What are the encryption functions in php?
Who are auditors? What are their roles?
How do I view an exe file?
When first angularjs was released?