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Business One Manual Testing Interview Questions
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What is Test Approach?

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Which type of testing combines two modules?

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Business One Manual Testing Interview Questions

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Astronomers usually detect the electromagnetic emissions of a single neutron star in what single form?


How to invoke the data pump export utility?


What are interfaces to go language?


What do you know about our company? : insurance sales


What is non-scheduled bank?


Hi Guys, my requirement is to load 1 yr data from oracle to teradata database through abinitio etl graph.i need to schedule this as a monthly job.but i want to load 12 month data for the first time and from second time it should load last (recent) month data and delete 13th month data. For example For the first time it should load 201208 to 201108 data, second time it should delete 201108 month data and load 201209 month data. I developed garph to load 12 month data ,but i don't know how to handle above requirement as am new to abinitio. i greatly appreciate you help.Thank You.


Can sap cs and sap r/3 be installed on the same server and use the same database?


What is a join? : bo designer


How can you identify that the page is post back?


What do you mean by anr in android?


Can you define attribute byte?


What is the full form of yaml?


How do I disable navigation tab?


I am haning thousands emails in my send box (which i sended.) Now i want to send all these emails (Total in send box)to other by email. Can i send total emails at one time (Not sending each indivisually) by one comand; Please tell the steps..Thanks.


What is difference between soap and rest?