How we can enable maintenance mode in magento?
Explain different parts available as part of jvm and describe them in few lines.
What is @staticmethod?
What is difference between objective c and swift?
What are tropic levels?
hii,i was appeared in recruitment process of Catholic Syrian Bank.Interview question were general banking related... as what is crr,calling rate, current inflationrate etc
What is the syntax to call one script from another? And what can be the syntax to call one “action” in another?
Mention some instances where zookeeper is using?
List out the number of categories of the spl commands?
What is ng-model in angularjs?
What is concurrent hashmap and its features?
Who is the best domain name registrar?
Can the validation occurs in server-side or client-side? If the validation occurs why should we do?
Hybrid framework supports Descriptive programming. Is it true?
What is jpa entitymanager?