If two cards are taken one after another without replacing from a pack of 52 cards what is the probability for the two cards be queen.
6 15323Post New BFL General Aptitude Interview Questions
How can I make my outlook better?
How to load multiple tables into a dataset?
How is character variable converted into numeric variable and vice versa?
What is faster join or union?
Tell me what are the reasons why one should not hack wordpress core file?
How is transformation on rdd different from action?
How secure is apache web server linux?
What is shade?
How many ways to create array in kotlin?
What is bootstrap carousel? Explain
How can you find out how many users are currently logged into the database?
Explain what should be the approach for writing a bdc program?
In case of record level audit what is the structure of table?
which property will make a control span an entire site office parent class
Discuss the differences between library vs list?