Ginger is a stem and not a root because (a) It stores food material (b) It grows horizontally in the soil (c) It has nodes and internodes (d) It lacks chlorophyll
4 32237Post New Bata General Knowledge_Current Affairs Interview Questions
types of reviews?Advantages of reviews? Diff between process and procedure? diff b/w verification and validation? diff b/w cmm,cmmi? exp tqm,gqm,iso,ieee? Roles and responsibilities of tester? Ricks,types of ricks? what r Quality factors?
What are the Challenges with Node.js ?
Can windows server 2003 function as a bridge?
What is the difference between qa, qc, and testing?
Why do we use lookup function in excel?
What is multiple inheritance? Is it supported by java?
how to empty the trash and remove deleted items?
Can size_t be negative?
I didn't see any category for Project Management. What are the activities, documents; how to plan, schedule and monitor tasks, statuses, people...?
What is a transactional process?
What do you understand by auto wiring and name the different modes of it?
What is equi join with example?
Differentiate between model and version
Have you ever heard about tds, what it is?
What is Erosion in a control valve?