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Bank of Baroda Placement Papers Interview Questions
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what is data encapsulation in C++?


Queries for Big4 Articleship : Whether son of CA in practice effects chances.


What are the different principle of OOPS?


how many work softner filter ,multy media filter ,cartage filter , in r o system


What do we mean by the term "Securities" when we say that "Govt injecting/sucking liquidity in/out of the system by buying/selling securities?


What is accounting


How can you start a apache server with different configurition ( other that httpd.conf)?


list some common errors faced with jspm while updating java stcks.and solutions.


How do I delete a folder?


How to add a column to a table control while using alphanumerical layout editor ?


hi , i have 150 kw loud and we need 50 m cabil,i want to know wich size cabil we use. thanks


I have code and test bench however it is not working porperly. Need help to get it working. module fsm(clock,reset,coin,vend,state,change); \\these are the inputs and the outputs. input clock; input reset; input [2:0]coin; output vend; output [2:0]state; output [2:0]change; \\i need to define the registers as change,coin and vend reg vend; reg [2:0]change; wire [2:0]coin; \\my coins are declared as parameters to make reading better. parameter [2:0]NICKEL=3’b001; parameter [2:0]DIME=3’b010; parameter [2:0]NICKEL_DIME=3’b011; parameter [2:0]DIME_DIME=3’b100; parameter [2:0]QUARTER=3’b101; \\MY STATES ARE ALSO PARAMETERS . I DONT WANT TO MAKE YOU READ \\IN MACHINE LANGUAGE parameter [2:0]IDLE=3’b000; parameter [2:0]FIVE=3’b001; parameter [2:0]TEN=3’b010; parameter [2:0]FIFTEEN=3’b011; parameter [2:0]TWENTY=3’b100; parameter [2:0]TWENTYFIVE=3’b101; \\AS ALWAYS THE STATES ARE DEFINED AS REG reg [2:0]state,next_state; \\MY MACHINE WORKS ON STATE AND COIN always @(state or coin) begin next_state=0; \\VERYFIRST NEXT STATE IS GIVEN ZERO case(state) IDLE: case(coin) \\THIS IS THE IDLE STATE NICKEL: next_state=FIVE; DIME: next_state=TEN; QUARTER: next_state=TWENTYFIVE; default: next_state=IDLE; endcase FIVE: case(coin) \\THIS IS THE SECOND STATE NICKEL: next_state=TEN; DIME: next_state=FIFTEEN; QUARTER: next_state=TWENTYFIVE; //change=NICKEL default: next_state=FIVE; endcase TEN: case(coin) \\THIS IS THE THIRD STATE NICKEL: next_state=FIFTEEN; DIME: next_state=TWENTY; QUARTER: next_state=TWENTYFIVE; //change=DIME default: next_state=TEN; endcase FIFTEEN: case(coin) \\THIS IS THE FOURTH STATE NICKEL: next_state=TWENTY; DIME: next_state=TWENTYFIVE; QUARTER: next_state=TWENTYFIVE; //change==NICKEL_DIME default: next_state=FIFTEEN; endcase TWENTY: case(coin) \\THIS IS THE FIFTH STATE NICKEL: next_state=TWENTYFIVE; DIME: next_state=TWENTYFIVE; //change=NICKEL QUARTER: next_state=TWENTYFIVE; //change==DIME_DIME default: next_state=TWENTY; endcase TWENTYFIVE: next_state=IDLE; \\THE NEXT STATE HERE IS THE RESET default : next_state=IDLE; endcase end always @(clock) begin \\WHENEVER I GIVE A RESET I HAVE TO MAKE THE STATE TO IDLE AND VEND TO 1 if(reset) begin state <= IDLE; vend <= 1’b0; // change <= 3’b000; end \\THE CHANGE ALSO HAS TO BECOME NONE else state <= next_state; case (state) \\HERE WE DECIDE THE NEXT STATE \\ALL THE STATES ARE DEFINED HERE AND THE OUTPUT IS ALSO GIVEN IDLE: begin vend <= 1’b0; change <=3’d0; end FIVE: begin vend <= 1’b0; if (coin==QUARTER) change <=NICKEL; else change <=3’d0; TEN: begin vend <= 1’b0; if (coin==QUARTER) change <=DIME; else change <= 3’d0; FIFTEEN : begin vend <= 1’b0; if (coin==QUARTER) change <=NICKEL_DIME; else change TWENTY : begin vend <= 1’b0; if (coin==DIME) change <=NICKEL; else if (coin==QUARTER) TWENTYFIVE : begin vend <= 1’b1; change <=3’d0; end default: state <= IDLE; endcase end endmodule module test; \\THE INPUT IN THE FSM MODULE ARE REG HERE reg clock,reset; reg [2:0]coin; \\THE OUTPUT IN THE FSM MODULE ARE WIRES HERE wire vend; wire [2:0]state; wire [2:0]change; \\THE PARAMETERS AGAIN FOR THE COIN AND STATE parameter [2:0]IDLE=3’b000; parameter [2:0]FIVE=3’b001; parameter [2:0]TEN=3’b010; parameter [2:0]FIFTEEN=3’b011; parameter [2:0]TWENTY=3’b100; parameter [2:0]TWENTYFIVE=3’b101; parameter [2:0]NICKEL=3’b001; parameter [2:0]DIME=3’b010; parameter [2:0]NICKEL_DIME=3’b011; parameter [2:0]DIME_DIME=3’b100; parameter [2:0]QUARTER=3’b101; \\I MONITOR THE TIME,DRINK,RESET,CLOCK,STATE AND CHANGE FOR CHANGES. initial begin $display("Time\tcoin\tdrink\treset\tclock\tstate\tchange"); $monitor("%g\t%b\t%b\t%b\t%b\t%d\t% d",$time,coin,vend,reset,clock,state,change); \\NEW FEATURE: MY MACHINE HAS THE FACILITY TO DUMP VARIABLES SO THAT \\ I CAN VIEW THEM USING A VCD VIEWER. $dumpvars; $dumpfile("file.vcd"); // Dump output file. \\THIS IS WHERE THE COINS ARE ADDED. clock=0; reset=1; \\FIRST LETS RESET THE MACHINE #2 reset=0; coin=NICKEL; \\CHECK FOR STATE 1 #2 reset=1; coin=2’b00; #2 reset=0; coin=DIME; \\RESET AGAIN AND CHECK FOR STATE 2 #2 reset=1; coin=2’b00; #2 reset=0; \\RESET AGAIN AND CHECK FOR STATE 5 coin=QUARTER; #2 reset=1; coin=2’b00; #2 reset=0; \\RESET AGAIN AND CHECK FOR STATE 5 coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=NICKEL; #2 reset=1; coin=2’b00; #2 reset=0; \\RESET AGAIN AND CHECK FOR STATE 5 AND SO ON coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=DIME; #2 coin=DIME; #2 reset=1; coin=2’b00; #2 reset=0; coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=DIME; #2 coin=QUARTER; #2 reset=1; coin=2’b00; #2 reset=0; coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=DIME; #2 reset=1; coin=2’b00; #2 reset=0; coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=DIME; #2 reset=1; coin=2’b00; #2 reset=0; coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=QUARTER; #2 reset=1; coin=2’b00; #2 reset=0; coin=NICKEL; #2 coin=QUARTER; #2 reset=1; coin=2’b00; #2 $finish; end \\THE CLOCK NEEDS TO TICK EVERY 2 TIME UNIT always #1 clock=~clock; //always @(state) // coin=!coin; initial begin if (reset) coin=2’b00; end \\THIS IS WHERE I INSTANTIATE THE MACHINE fsm inst1(clock,reset,coin,vend,state,change); endmodule


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Re: While you are in implemenation what are u faced the issues ? tell me what some ap & GL issues?