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Bajaj Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions
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Difference between QA&QC WIth Example

4 8005

What is B check of an diesel engine? how is it carried on? What is the complete cost of B check?

8 31287

Diploma Mechanical Engineer i had attened more over 100 interviews they are all asking the same question "TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF"

3 59978

What is Backlash in gears.when it will be harmfull?

3 7555

What is the difference between 4 strok and 2 strock disel engine?

1 4970

As you achieve greater success with the company after some years, Will you like to be a share holder in our company?


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Un-Answered Questions

What is event in java?


What are the advantages/disadvantages of mysql and php?


You want to be sure that queries in a database always execute at the maximum possible speed. To achieve this goal you have created various indexes on tables which other statement will keep the database in good condition?


if you get chance to become a manager, how will you manage your self?


When i am useing useBean tag of JSP in weblogic server It show compiletion error..Like bad class file: C:\bea\user_projects\domains\Mahesh\applications\UseBean\WEB-INF\classes\user\UserData.class class file has wrong version 49.0, should be 48.0 Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath. user.UserData user1 = null; //[ /SaveName.jsp; Line: 4]


What are some of the movement types for stock transport order?


What are types in c#?


how to check the version of django?


What is a bo repository?


In which it do you assign an applicant to a vacancy. Where do you assign that status?


Is left join inner or outer?


Explain what do you do in your spare time? : insurance sales


Should I bid on competitor’s brand names?


what Neo4j CQL command is used for?


How can I recover the file name given an open stream or file descriptor?