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Tata Elxsi Interview Questions
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What is meant by Mix-and-match?

1 5275

Working of a 2-stage OPAMP?


print a semicolon using Cprogram without using a semicolon any where in the C code in ur program!!

35 48490

Explain different types of errors in PHP (i.e. arguments in errorreporting function)?

8 22305

how will i sell a refrigerator to an eskimo?

41 117648

Tata Elxsi Written Test With Interview Rounds

1 39670

What does negative slip of an induction motor signify?

10 44522

why we need to us lenz's law for synchornous motor


What is size of a empty class?

7 12090

how the compiler treats any volatile variable?Explain with example.

1 7183

A cube is divided into 125 pieces.. then four columns are removed then coloured all side black.. i) how many 0 side painted cubes? ii) how many 1 side painted cubes? iii) how many 2 side painted cubes? iV) how many 3 side painted cubes? V) how many 4 side painted cubes?

7 14302

How we can write a value to an address using macro..?


How to select Fuse Rating, Wire size in Passenger Car? Why we are considering Car as 12V system since alternator is one who supply power when car is in running state?


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Un-Answered Questions

What is parameter in qtp?


What is Uniform filter?


What is sim and rim instructions?


What is the use of mysqli_num_rows?


What is the use of Testing framework in Automated testing..what are different kinds of Testing frameworks available in Automated testing..


What are the different towers used in 132kv transmission line? what are the differences between the P,R,S towers used in 132KV and detailed explanation


How to reduce the width of textbox in editcommandcolumn of datagrid?


what is thread in Java ?


How do you you check the return code of a command in perl?


Mention what does plvtab enables you to do when you showthe contents of pl/sql tables?


Which is the best operating system in the world?


Explain about NBFCs?


What are linear and non-linear systems?


What does args mean in c#?


How many types of logs are there?