1 How many tickets usually get per day/month in support ? 2 what is the major ticket in your experience ? 3 what is the tool you are using in your company? 4 in situation we will use Derive roles in support project? 5 One User asked me the TCODE access in support project,he got approvals from all,so shal i create new role or can i add that TCODE in his roles? 6 what is ROLE OWNER? 7 What are the daily activities in your Project ?
2 9749Post New AXA SAP Security Interview Questions
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what is meant by CT`s saturation ? Can we use Metering CT`s with Protetection CT`s ?
Suppose an array contains @arraycontent=(‘ab’, ‘cd’, ‘ef’, ‘gh’). How to print all the contents of the given array?
What stored by the master?
What are steam turbine parts usually come into damage?
Tell me about standby database? What should we watch out for?
How do I get computer name from ip address?
which of the following is not an secondary constant a) array b) real c) union
Why do we use trees in data structures?
How can we change the value of a constant?
What is the difference between static and dynamic scaffolding?
Is html xml?
Is social media marketing suitable for b2c or b2b businesses?