how can we establish a link between two maps using a cobol application program....lets say how can u use 'back' in a map come back on previous .
5 14905Post New Attra Infotech CICS Interview Questions
What are the different column comparison operators in mysql?
What is difference between visualforce components and lightning components ? : salesforce lightning component
What is work of clr?
What is extern keyword in c?
What are the three scenarios where bw engine has to be configured with database persistence instead of local file ?
How can you activate profiles?
How can you include collection field in an expression?
Describe different types of general function used in sql?
Write the program with at least two functions to solve the following problem. The members of the board of a small university are considering voting for a pay increase for their 10 faculty members. They are considering a pay increase of 8%. Write a program that will prompt for and accept the current salary for each of the faculty members, then calculate and display their individual pay increases. At the end of the program, print the total faculty payroll before and after the pay increase, and the total pay increase involved.
how to prompt for profiles?
Examples of situations when your initiative ideas.
How do I find the port number for sql server?
List out teradata data types?
What is icollection in c#?
Previous market close was 16729.94 and it opens at 17520.02 why?