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Powergear Interview Questions
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What is the power factor you maintain at ur organization?

43 82718

1.Whats the use of GNAC(Generator Neutral Accessory Compartment) 2. why generator or any other system require Neutral Grounding and not Phase grounding 3. what happens if any one of the phase is grounded. 4. if 15kv is grounded directly what will happen, why it should not be grounded like that 5. use of of NGTR(Neutral Grounding Transformer and Resistor) for grounding is helpfull and how

5 26750

please give me solution to rectify the emi(electromagnetic interference)


how to find number of run for transformer & alternator secondary side? give the example.

2 4624

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What are the benefits that sql can bring for you? : hana administration


What are the security alerts while using mysql?


What is the advantage of an external iterator.


How can be or in what way baseline date is important in automatic payment program run?


In Java coding we will write a public static void main()? Why won't we write as a static public void main()


Can an array be an Ivalue?


Can xml be used as a database?


How do I change the project path in visual studio?


What does the a tag stand for?


we are getting materials from outside the state and issuing form c to a local party, since the local party is consignee agent of party who sends the materials. what is name this type of transaction? is issuing form c correct and proper? please reply


List the three steps for creating an object for a class?


What are the different namespaces used in the project to connect the database? What data providers available in .net to connect to database?


What is media query?


Explain Routed events in WPF?


Explain order by filter?