How would you export a script from one pc to another in qtp?
What are the basic elements of a slide?
What is data ingestion pipeline?
What is the use of security.salt and security.cipherseed in cakephp? How to change its default value?
How to customize a drupal syndicate feed icon?
What is the syntax to create keyspace in Cassandra?
What are the differences between DMT and G.Lite?
What we will do with the universe for faster process?
Can we add more than one ‘document.ready’ function in a page?
What is java util concurrentmodificationexception?
What is linear optimization? Where is it used?
Name the cmos version of the 555 timer.
What is greenplum db?
What are the work queues in blue prism and mention the steps to set the priority for work queues in blue prism?
How to get total number of child records in lookup relationship?